Polio Reappears Once Again In The US

Polio has returned to the US once again after the decline in vaccination of a large chunk of the population. Polio, once eliminated from American society decades ago, has been detected once again in the US. It was detected last month Newyork in the wastewater of the region.

Poor Vaccination

The re-emergence of the virus may have been associated with negligence on behalf of people who do not seem to be interested in vaccination. An illness known as VDP, vaccine-derived polio is associated with the partial vaccination of the disease which can, later on, become more active without the host knowing it. If the polio virus is left unharmed or eradicated, it can silently spread across multiple regions. More than 7 Million children skipped polio vaccination in 2019 with 25 million in 2021.

Polio Poses Threat To Everybody

The Polio virus is only active on a national level in two regions of the world i.e, Afghanistan and Pakistan. As long as polio is eradicated from the entire planet, it poses threat to everybody without discrimination.

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