Robert Sarver Plans On Selling The Phoenix Suns

On Wednesday, Robert Sarver announced that he is starting the process to sell both of his teams, NBA’s Phoenix Suns and WNBA’s Phoenix Mercury.

Robert Sarver Punishment From NBA

Last week, the NBA decided to punish Sarver for his racist and misogynist remarks.

NBA handed him a one-year suspension and a $10 million fine.

This follows an investigation into claims of workplace abuse during Sarver’s more than 20-year tenure as the Suns’ managing partner.

In November 2021, ESPN’s story covered these allegations and detailed more about racism and misogyny.

Players and other league officials were calling on the government of owners to vote on whether the NBA will force Sarver to sell his team or not.

On Wednesday, Sarver put out a statement saying he will be selling both of his teams.

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