Currently, the Apple watch is advanced enough to scan one’s heart conditions and call out for help at times of emergencies and injuries. The tech giants main aim now is to work on deeper features and work on upgrading their health monitoring. The team is presently working on installing tools that can help one measure an increase in their blood pressure and also help couples in fertility planning.
Apple plans on developing a thermometer that will make one’s fertility planning an easy job from now on. People familiar with the company’s internal plans and documents reported that the fertility feature could soon be made available within next year along with refinements in Apple’s asymmetrical heartbeat monitoring.

In the coming weeks Apple is planning to launch the seventh version of their Apple watch while the more ambitious projects are still due to be released for some time now. As per documents from the inside it’s worth noticing that beyond next year the Apple smart watch will be capable of offering medical guidance in cases of low blood oxygen level and could also detect sleep apnea.
Bottom Line: Apple has new ambitious plans for their smartwatch revolving around healthcare advancements. The year is not far behind when consumers will be able to check their fertility rate and get medical guidance from their smartwatch.