US Reports Second Case of Deadly Bird Flu Case in Michigan

A second human case of bird flu has been confirmed in the United States, following the first detection of the virus in dairy cattle in late March.

This latest case involves a dairy worker in Michigan with the previous case being reported in April of this year.

The CDC reported that it has not observed any human-to-human transmission of bird flu but maintains that a low risk is there.

Patient Has Recovered

Similar to the Texas case, the Michigan patient experienced only eye symptoms and has since recovered, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

The worker had regular exposure to infected livestock, and the CDC believes the infection likely resulted from cow-to-human transmission.

More Cases Expected

The CDC noted that more human cases could arise due to high virus levels in raw milk and the widespread infection among dairy cows.

Influenza experts are concerned about the virus spreading in cows, which could lead to changes that increase chances of human transmission.

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