UK Put on Asian Hornet Alert After Record Sightings

The UK government body responsible for overlooking bee population has warned the public to stay indoors after record sightings of Asian hornets in more than 50 locations.

Authorities have sighted the Asian hornet around 108 with 56 times just in 2023, worrying experts about potential danger for bees and other pollinators. 

Invader Species Are Not Established Yet

Although the invading Asian hornet species are established in the United Kingdom, authorities and other academics believe their presence will harm crops.

Scientists are concerned that the species could damage biodiversity and the environment at large as it threatens local insect populations.

What Are Asian Hornets?

Asian hornets are smaller than hornets native to the UK but have darker color than the hornets.

Particularly from the Asian region, the insect is an invasive predatory pest that is harmless to humans but can do significant damage to other insects.

Asian hornets dismember and eat bees, and have thrived in France, where they have caused concern because of the number of insects they have killed.

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