Four Officers Shot Dead in North Carolina Home Siege

Four law enforcement officers were tragically killed with four others wounded in a home shootout in North Carolina.

The officers from the US Marshals Service-led task force brought a warrant to arrest the suspect but he opened fire when the police arrived on the scene, reports are saying.

The suspect was found dead on the scene when the shootout was over. 

Police Met With Gun Fire

At the press conference, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Johnny Jennings said the police officers were met with gun fire when they arrived at the suspect’s residence.

The suspect was previously wanted as a “felon illegally possessing a weapon”, the police said in a statement. 

Only One Suspect Identified

The reports say that the police got fired upon by two people, but only was identified till yet.

The dead suspect was identified as 39-year-old Terry Clark Hughes Jr., wanted for firearm possession by a felon.

Two other individuals were arrested from the house in relation to the suspect as well and they were held for questioning.

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