Woman Legs Amputated After Man Pushed Her in Front of NYC Train

A 29-year-old woman underwent a tragic incident in Manhattan’s Fulton Street Station, resulting in the amputation of both her feet.

According to the eyewitnesses, the boyfriend of the victim pushed her onto subway tracks after a dispute with her, resulting in the loss of both of her feet.

Witnesses Informed Police

Witnesses informed the New York City Police Department about the argument preceding the push.

The unidentified victim was rushed to the hospital, where she lost both feet, according to sources.

As of Saturday afternoon, no arrests had been made, and the investigation is ongoing.

Similar Incident

Coincidentally, around 11:30 a.m. the same day, an unidentified man lost his life after being struck by a subway at Seventh Avenue and West 53rd Street.

Witnesses reported that the man jumped onto the tracks, and authorities do not believe the two incidents are connected.

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