Two US Navy Seals Missing in Somalia Declared Dead

The US military has announced that the two Navy seals who went missing for days are now dead, the New York Times reported.

The seals were dispatched to seized vessels carrying ammunition for Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen.

The US military initiated search and rescue operation in the region but they were unsuccessful in locating the lost soldiers.

10 Days of Search Operations

The reports suggest that the missing seals were bound to locate the Iranian delivery vessels that were to arrive in Yemen.

The US military received no information about the whereabouts of the missing seals that is why they had to abandon a 10-day long search operation.

The military searched more than 21,000 square miles to locate the lost soldiers but they couldn’t find the two men.

Unanswered Questions

Questions about the mysterious disappearance of the two military personnel remain unanswered.

The military has yet to answer why they only sent two of its soldiers to one of the most dangerous regions in the world.

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