EU Tightening Border Controls To Curb Terrorism & Migration

Several countries in the European Union have implemented stricter border controls amid a surge in illegal migration.

According to Reuters, the member states in the EU recently saw an increase in illegal and legal migration, and there are widespread concerns of security disturbance.

The new rules are expected to reduce tensions

Europe Increases Border Checks

The stricter rules are rare between the European countries that fall under the Schengen Area.

But a crisis in the Middle East and ever-increasing immigrants are posing a security threat, Europe News Room said.

The terrorist group ISIS recently claimed responsibility for killing two Swedish football fans.

List of Countries That Reinstated Border Controls

The EU member countries implementing stricter border controls include Australia, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Slovakia, France, and Slovenia.

Finland, a non-EU member, implemented strict border rules when Russia started transporting many migrants to its border.

Schengen rules allow such decisions as a last resort to safeguard peace and security.

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