Scientists Find New Way To Study Mysterious Cosmic Rays

Scientists have been working to unveil the source since discovering these mysterious rays hitting the Earth in 1912.

Scientists have suggested a new method to uncover the mystery behind the rays.

The new approach is based on using the Subaru Telescope, situated at the top of a volcano in Hawaii.

Scientists Want To Study Secondary Peaticles

The new method analyses extensive air showers of secondary particles produced when cosmic rays hit Earth’s atmosphere.

Using precise observations from the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, researchers identified more particle tracks within these showers.

The new method will potentially offer a way to determine individual cosmic ray particles’ nature, composition and source.

Subaru Telescope in Hawaii

What Are Secondary Particles?

Secondary particles are created when cosmic rays interact with Earth’s atmosphere.

These secondary particles are produced due to the collision and interaction between the incoming cosmic rays and particles in Earth’s atmosphere.

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