Russian Luna-25 Spacecraft Enters Moon Orbit

Russian space craft has entered the lunar orbit and set to become the first Russian spacecraft in 50 years to reach moon. The Luna-25 is expected to land on the moon’s southern pole to investigate frozen water. No country on earth has achieved the milestone for landing on the southern side ever.

Roscosmos Already Took Photos

According to the Russian space agency Roscosmos, the camera installed on the spacecraft has already taken images of the earth and moon. The space agency said the spacecraft is set to land on the coming Monday after revolving 100 kilometers above the lunar surface for five days. Furthermore, the lander is expected to remain on the lunar surface for five years.

Frozen Water Source On Moon

The Russian Soyuz rocket, carrying a lander, is aiming at discovering the source of frozen water on the southern pole. Previously, scientists from NASA and other space agencies hinted at the presence of frozen water on the lunar southern pole.

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