Moons Can Cause Earthquakes on Earth, Scientists Say

Moon has a significant impact on earth as it causes the oceans on our planet to form tides. But a new research study has revealed a phenomenal influence the moon has on earth’s oceans. The study mentioned that earthquakes have happened in the past due to the moon’s gravitational pull parallel to the volcano’s magma chamber deep inside oceans.

Data Revealed That Earthquakes Followed A Tide Pattern

Ocean’s Weight Over Volcano

The study by University of Bristol was published in the Nature journal, which for the very first time uncovered a hidden link between moon ocean tides and earthquake phenomenon. To put it in simple words, the moon is believed to have been pulling earth’s oceans with a force known as “tidal force”. Due to the tidal force, an enormous amount of water sets at each side of the moon, which disrupts the volcano’s magma chamber inside the oceans.

Moon Pulling Earth’s Rocks

While it may seem weird, the study also mentioned that the moon also pulls the rocks on the surface of the earth. “Solid earth tides are the same as the tides, it’s just on the solid earth”, Professor Chris Scholtz said. While it may be difficult to observe, the shape of the mountains is really good evidence of that, the study mentioned.

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