
Mysterious Mermaid Skeleton Washes Up On Queensland Beach

An Australian woman was shocked to discover a mysterious skeleton that resembles a mermaid, washed up on the beach of Queensland. Bobbie-Lee Oates, a 34-year-old-woman, discovered the skeleton while she was on a camping trip along with her husband and friends.

Meteor Creates Fireball In The Skies Of Northeast Australia

Queenslanders were excited to witness a meteor that hovered over their skies, causing a huge sound which vanished behind mountains. The moment caught on smartphones, dash cams and security cameras showed a fireball exploding and lightening the skies with green and orange lights.

Australian Police Officer Tasered 95-Year-Old Woman

The police department has initiated an inquiry into a police officer who fired a Taser at a 95-year-old woman in New South Wales, Australia. The police officers were called off and an investigation was set into motion to inquire about what had really happened.

Wine & Sweets Saved Woman Lost in Australian Forest

An Australian woman was found after being lost in the forest for five days. The authorities discovered a single wine bottle which helped her survive for five days in Australian bushes. The 48-year-old Lillian Ip was traveling alone in the dense forest in Victoria state.