French Minister’s Inappropriate Playboy Cover Sparks Outrage

The French government’s minister has come under severe criticism after her photo made it to the Playboy’s magazine cover. Marlene Schiappa is the minister for social economy in the current French government and is known for her aggressive stance on women rights and LGBT. 

Shooting Near Atlanta Fair Kills Teen And Wounds Two Others

Shooting Near Atlanta Fair Kills Teen And Wounds Two Others

A teenager was killed and two others wounded during gunshots fired during an argument in Atlanta, according to police. At about 9:30 p.m. Saturday, news outlets reported that a shooting occurred in the area where the Atlanta fair is being held. The shooting was the result of an escalating dispute that led to a fight,

Accidental Gunfire Panic Halted Flights At Atlanta Airport

Panic erupted at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport considered to be one of the busiest in the world when gunfire was shot resulting in three people getting minor injuries in chaos and a pack of flights halted during thanksgiving gateway weekend. The primary report said it was an active shooting, however, officials later cleared that

Murder Chargers Filled for Suspect in Atlanta Spa Shootings

On Tuesday, The perpetrator in the attacks on three Atlanta-area spas has been charged with eight counts of murder and one count of sexual assault. Seven of the casualties were females, with six of them being of Asian origin. The gunman was white. On Wednesday, during a press conference, According to Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department