Iran Unveils Stunning Missile City Deep Underground

Iran unveils another ‘missile city’ as tensions mount with US.

What’s hidden beneath Iran’s deserts and mountains?

According to Tehran, vast underground “missile cities” packed with weapons, ready to launch at a moment’s notice.

And now, Iran is making sure the world knows about them.

In newly released footage, Iranian military leaders toured a sprawling underground facility—one of “hundreds,” according to state media.

Lined with missiles, the site was called a “dormant volcano” by Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

Iran’s Message Is Clear

Iran’s message is clear: despite regional conflicts and pressure from Israel and the West, its military power remains intact.

In recent months, Iranian-backed groups in Lebanon, Gaza, and Yemen have faced setbacks, but Tehran is doubling down.

Alongside these missile sites, Iran is reportedly developing “new special missiles” and planning military drills to showcase its firepower.

This isn’t the first time Iran has flaunted its underground arsenal.

But why now? With tensions high and global eyes on the region, Iran may be signaling that it’s still a force to be reckoned with.

The question is—how will the world respond?

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