Trump Admin Drops Secret JFK Files—Shocking Details Inside

Trump administration releases new jfk record.

Sixty years later, the fascination with JFK’s assassination refuses to fade.

Conspiracies swirl, but will the newly released 63,000 pages of once-classified documents finally crack the case?

The National Archives posted the files online Tuesday after Trump, who had previously held back some records, pushed for their release.

He claimed, “People have been waiting for decades.”

While researchers will need time to comb through the massive dump, early indications suggest there’s no hidden smoking gun.

Tom Samoluk, who helped review these files in the ’90s, is skeptical.

“If there had been anything groundbreaking, we would’ve released it then,” he told CNN.

The Speculation Hasn’t Stopped

Some of the most intriguing details relate to Lee Harvey Oswald’s mysterious trip to Mexico City before the assassination.

He contacted the Soviet and Cuban embassies, allegedly spoke to a KGB officer, and even tried securing visas.

Was he just a lone drifter with radical leanings, or part of something bigger?

Experts warn against expecting too much.

“We’ll learn things,” says historian Larry Sabato, “but people hoping to ‘solve’ the case will be disappointed.”

Still, as long as secrets remain locked away, so will the public’s doubts.

The truth may be out there—but is it in these files?

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