Trump Makes English the Official Language After Signing Yet Another Executive Order

Trump makes English USA official language.

In a move sure to spark heated debate, Donald Trump has officially declared English as the nation’s official language.

The order officially  becomes the first in U.S. history as it has never been done before by any President. 

Signed via executive order, the policy scraps a Clinton-era rule that required federal agencies to offer language assistance for non-English speakers.

Agencies can still provide help, but now, it’s optional. Trump’s reasoning? Unity.

The order states that a shared language is “at the core of a unified and cohesive society.”

Critics & Supporters Have Their Say

But with one in ten Americans now speaking a language other than English, critics argue this move could isolate millions—especially immigrant communities.

“This goes against what the Founding Fathers envisioned,” said Roman Palomares of the League of United Latin American Citizens, arguing that America’s strength has always come from its diversity, not linguistic uniformity.

Critics say that the policy will marginalize those who speak languages other than English in the country.

On the other hand, supporters say the change streamlines government operations and strengthens civic engagement.

Plus, English is already the official language in over 30 states—this just makes it national policy.

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