Colorado Puppy Thieves Fake Seizure To Steal Dogs From Pet Store

A daring puppy heist, a fake medical emergency, and a wrong street deal—sounds like a Hollywood script, right? Nope. 

It’s real life in Centennial, Colorado, where a group of thieves pulled off a bizarre scheme to swipe two bulldog puppies worth over $8,000 from a local pet store.

One Suspect Faked Seizures

One of the suspects faked a seizure while another made off with the pups.

But their plan hit a snag when a woman unknowingly bought one of the stolen bulldogs from a street vendor for $1,500.

After seeing news reports, she quickly returned the pup to Perfect Pets, earning both gratitude and a reward.

The first suspect, who was arrested later, faked seizures.

One Suspect Facing Multiple Charges

Meanwhile, police managed to nab the seizure-faking suspect, 37-year-old Timothy Davis, who’s now facing multiple charges, including theft and drug possession.

But the rest of the crew—including the getaway driver in a gold Cadillac Escalade—is still at large, along with the second stolen puppy.

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