Google Earth Shows Mysterious Disc-Like Object in New Mexico’s Remote Mountains

Is it a UFO? A secret government bunker? Or just the world’s weirdest birdbath?

That’s what the internet’s been asking ever since a mysterious, disc-shaped structure was spotted in the rugged mountains of New Mexico.

Tucked away at coordinates that sound straight out of a spy movie (34°24’21.6 “N 107°05’44.5” W), this bizarre white object has conspiracy theorists and keyboard detectives buzzing.

The “alien saucer stuck in a mountain” theory took off after images on Google Maps showed a metallic-looking disc, half-hidden by bushes.

It was spotted in the middle of absolutely nowhere—no roads, no buildings, just pure desert vibes.

What Is It Really?

But before you grab your tinfoil hat, sceptics at Metabunk did some digging (because someone always spoils the fun).

Turns out, a 1975 aerial photo showed… a water catchment system.

Not quite an extraterrestrial crash site, but hey, even aliens need to hydrate, right? So, UFO? Rainwater collector?

Or a really dedicated prank by someone with a drone? The truth is out there… or maybe just under some shrubs.

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