South Korea to Install Bird Detection Tech After Deadly Crash

After a tragic plane crash last December that claimed 179 lives, South Korea is ramping up airport safety with a major overhaul.

Starting in 2026, all airports will be equipped with bird detection cameras and thermal imaging radars—technology to prevent future disasters.

What Caused The Deadly Crash?

The crash, involving a Boeing 737-800 from Jeju Air, happened after a suspected bird strike caused a mayday call.

Investigators discovered blood and feathers on the plane’s engines, pointing to a collision with a bird.

The plane made an emergency landing, but tragically, it crashed into a concrete structure at the end of the runway, leading to an explosion.

The exact moment a bird struck the airplane.

Will This Work?

New measures are also being taken to relocate bird-attracting sites like waste dumps far from runways.

Will this high-tech upgrade prevent the next disaster?

Experts agree that the number of casualties could have been much lower if the plane had avoided that deadly concrete structure.

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