Google Maps in Hot Water After It Was Ordered To Rename Gulf of Mexico

Imagine waking up to find your favorite landmark has a new name—just because another country said so.

That’s exactly what’s happening with the Gulf of Mexico, which, at least in the U.S., is being rebranded as the “Gulf of America” by executive order of former President Donald Trump.

And Mexico? Not amused.

Mexico President Rejects Renaming 

Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum is pushing back, urging Google to ignore the renaming and stick to what the world has called this body of water for centuries.

“An international sea can’t be renamed at the whim of one country,” she said.

She pointed out that maritime law prevents nations from unilaterally claiming names beyond 12 nautical miles of their shores.

Google Responds

Google, for its part, is playing it safe.

The tech giant said it follows official government sources when making map updates.

That means U.S.-based users will soon see “Gulf of America,” while the rest of the world sticks with the classic “Gulf of Mexico.”

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