Heartwarming Video Shows Mum Seal’s Clever Rescue of Her Pup

Deep beneath the frozen surface of Lake Baikal, a newborn seal pup faces a daunting challenge—surviving its first underwater journey.

Born in a hidden ice den, the pup is completely alone while its mother hunts for food.

But when she hears its cries, she rushes back.

She must guide her fragile pup over a mile to the ice sheet’s edge—a perilous swim through freezing waters with no air holes in sight.

Mum Creates Air Pockets For Her Son

Unlike adults, who can hold their breath for 30 minutes, the tiny pup can only last a few minutes underwater.

But this Baikal seal mother has a secret trick—one that’s unique to her kind.

She blows bubbles as they travel, creating small air pockets beneath the ice, just large enough for her baby to take a breath.

This shocking technique has never been seen anywhere in the world of animal kingdoms, at least this is what the BBC report mentions.

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