In Kennesaw, Georgia, owning a firearm isn’t just a right—it’s the law.
Since the 1980s, this small town has required every head of household to keep a gun and ammunition.
The aim? To ensure safety, security, and peace of mind for the community.

The Law is A Badge of Honour
The unique ordinance exempts those with mental or physical disabilities, felony convictions, or religious objections.
But for many residents, the law is a badge of honor.
“If anything, criminals should be worried,” one local told the BBC.
“They don’t know what’s waiting for them if they break into a house here,” he said.
Kennesaw Saw Zero Crimes in 2023
Remarkably, Kennesaw had zero murders in 2023, though the year wasn’t entirely without gun tragedies.
Only two suicides were reported which can be attributed to mental, financial, and family problems, not directly guns.