Hunter Dies After Shot Bear Falls From Tree in Tragic Accident

A Virginia hunter succumbed to his injuries after a bear fell from a tree and landed on him during a hunting trip.

On December 9, Lester Clayton Harvey Jr., 58, and his hunting party were tracking a bear in Lunenburg County.

When the bear climbed a tree, the group stepped back, and one member fired a shot.

The wounded bear tumbled down, striking Harvey, who stood roughly 10 feet away.

A Very Rare Accident

Harvey passed away on December 13 when he was transferred to VCU Medical Center’s Critical Care Hospital by his fellow hunter.

Such accidents, while rare, have happened before.

Lester Clayton Harvey Jr

In 2018, a hunter in Alaska sustained severe injuries after a bear shot by his partner rolled down a ridge, knocking him over and triggering a rockslide.

Similarly, a 2019 hunting mishap in North Carolina involved a bear falling from a tree onto a hunter.

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