It is mind-boggling as to what extent people can go to look a certain way without realizing the damage they are doing to their bodies.
Specialists are urging caution as another non-surgical treatment like Mesotherapy gains traction online.
But experts warn that “lumps, bumps, and reptilian skin” is also part of the deal.

Dangerous Consequences of This New Trend
Mesotherapy, a “tweakment” gaining popularity in the US, involves injecting vitamins, enzymes, and plant extracts into the skin’s middle layer.
The goal is to get rid of dark circles and eye puffiness but there is a dark side to this.

Minor side effects like redness, bruising, and tenderness are common, but raised bumps beneath the skin can occur to cause serious conditions.
According to the International Academy of Cosmetic Dermatology, more serious risks include infections, skin necrosis (tissue death), and even permanent eye damage if the product hits blood vessels.