What is This Mysterious Noise in Ocean That Sounds Like Ducks Talking?

Two ducks talking to each other and that too, in the depths of Antarctica?

Seems like we are talking about a monster movie but it is not and scientists are quite worried about this.

Dubbed the “Bio-Duck,” the noise resembled the quack of a duck—if that duck were enormous and possibly mythical.

First recorded in 1960, this puzzling sound stumped researchers for decades.

What is It?

Now, a new analysis suggests that the Bio-Duck is more than just a strange noise—it might actually be a conversation.

“We found multiple speakers in different ocean locations, all making these sounds,” says Ross Chapman, an ocean scientist from the University of Victoria.

Antarctic minke whales were linked to the Bio-Duck in 2014.

“What amazed us was the apparent turn-taking. One would ‘talk,’ and others seemed to listen before responding.”

While Antarctic minke whales were linked to the Bio-Duck in 2014, the mystery isn’t fully solved.

Similar sounds have been recorded in oceans around Australia and New Zealand without minke sightings.

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