Washington Post Drops Kamala Harris Endorsement Due To Jeff Bezos

The Washington Post has announced in an article that it will not endorse a candidate in the upcoming presidential election as per its owner’s wish.

Jeff Bezos, who owns the publication, was the one who made the decision not to back Kamala Harris even though the endorsement was ready but not published, the WP said. 

Shift From Previous Policy

Not endorsing a presidential candidate is a major departure from a long-standing tradition of political endorsements that the Washington Post did in decades.

The decision, according to anonymous sources cited in an article by two staff reporters, reportedly stopped an editorial endorsement of Democratic nominee Kamala Harris over Republican Donald Trump.

Post Publisher’s Justifies Decision

This decision to halt endorsements has drawn criticism from within, as seen in a joint opinion column by Post columnists calling it a “terrible mistake”.

But Post’s publisher, Will Lewis, wrote in a column that the decision will give the audience an opportunity to make their minds.

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