WJS Report Reveals Musk’s Secret Conversations With Vladimir Putin

A new report by the Wall Street Journal newspaper revealed something stunning: Elon Musk has been talking to Putin for years.

According to the WSJ, billionaire Elon Musk allegedly held private conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin throughout the war in Ukraine, from October 2022 into this year.

Sources cited by the WSJ, including current and former officials from the U.S., Europe, and Russia, indicated that these discussions covered personal and business topics as well as geopolitics. 

Musk Proposed Peace Plan

The alleged contacts began after Musk proposed a controversial pr-Russia peace plan for Ukraine, the report said citing secret sources.

Elon Musk openly criticized U.S. military aid to Ukraine in the phone calls, suggesting a shift from his previous stance.

The report also suggests Musk has been in contact with other senior Russian officials, including Sergei Kiriyenko, Putin’s first deputy chief of staff.

Elon Musk’s views regarding Russia have changed considerably in the past and much of it must be due to these conversations.

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