Biden To Issue Apology For Abusive Indian Boarding Schools

President Joe Biden will issue a formal apology to Native American communities for the U.S. government’s historic Indian boarding school policy.

The Washington Post mentioned Mr. Biden will become the first ever U.S. President to acknowledge the harm inflicted on Indigenous children and their families in the program. 

What Was The Indian Boarding Schooling System?

Between 1819 and the 1970s, the U.S. federal government funded more than 523 Indian boarding schools across the country.

The schools, mostly run by churches, were used to strip the Indigenous children from American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities from their identity and culture.

These schools banned children from speaking their languages or practicing their cultures and were often places of emotional and physical abuse.

The apology makes President Joe Biden the first President to formally address and apologize for suffering caused by the century old policy.

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