UK Ethical Hacker Warns Against Using These 7 Passwords

British Ethical hacker Joe Cockroft has warned against using seven commonly used passwords that are easier to crack for hackers.

According to an article in DailyMail, the ethical hacker these passwords are easily guessable as they are being used by thousands of Brits.

By simply exploring someone’s social media profiles, malicious actors can often gather enough clues to guess such passwords and get access to someone’s sensitive information.

Cockroft’s warning coincides with a report from NordPass, which lists the most common passwords in the UK.

Here are the top 7:

  1. 123456 – The most common password, which hackers can crack in under a second.
  2. password – Another common and highly insecure choice.
  3. 123456789 – A simple numeric sequence that’s easy to guess.
  4. 12345 – Very basic and easily cracked.
  5. qwerty – A keyboard sequence just as bad as “123456.”
  6. 12345678 – Another numeric sequence offering little security.

7. abc123 – Combines first three letters and numbers but is still weak.

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