Trump Says China Respects Him Because Xi Jinping Knows He is Crazy

The former President Donald Trump said the Chinese President will not dare attack Taiwan because Xi Jinping knows the Republican is crazy.

In his interview with The Wall Street journal, Mr. Trump said he respects the Chinese leader as “he’s a very fierce person”.

Trump has repeatedly praised the Chinese leader in his speeches in the past.

Military Force Will Be Unnecessary

In response to a question whether the US will respond militarily to defend Taiwan, the former President said that wouldn’t be necessary.

  “I would say: if you go into Taiwan, I’m sorry to do this, I’m going to tax you at 150% to 200%,” he told the newspaper.

The Republican leader referred to his strong relationship with Xi as a reason for the latter not invading Taiwan. 

Trump Threatened Putin

Trump claimed that he warned Putin against invading Ukraine, threatening to strike Moscow if necessary.

“You’re going to be hit so hard, and I’m going to take those [expletive] domes right off your head”, Trump noted what he said to Putin.

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