Scientists Launch Study To Find Out If Air Pollution Can Damage Brains

Air pollution has remained a significant problem for scientists and researchers as it is becoming difficult to tackle.

Now researchers in the United Kingdom are launching a project to find out if air pollution can degenerate brains and cause dementia.

According to The Guardian’s report, the study project, titled Rapid, will be launched tomorrow.

Rapid’s Objective

Scientists believe that air pollution does cause dementia but the exact process of how it directly affects brain functioning remains unknown.

Project’s leader, Prof Charles Swanton, mentioned that the research will shed light on a phenomenon that had been overlooked in the past.

“We want to find out exactly how tiny particles in the air can have such profound impacts on our brains,” he said.

The goal is to investigate what researchers call ‘particulate matter’ 2.5 or simply ‘PM2.5’, which are less than 2.5 millionths of a meter in diameter.

The PM2.5 is believed to be the primary cause that links pollution to dementia. 

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