Supreme Court to Rule On Mexico’s $10 Billion Lawsuit Against US Gunmakers

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case concerning Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against leading gun manufacturers.

Mexico argues that these companies are responsible for weapons being trafficked to drug cartels, contributing to violence.

It claims that the gunmakers, including Smith & Wesson and Glock, knowingly allowed guns to be sold to traffickers.

Confiscated shipment bound for Mexico at the bureau’s headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona, on 14 January 2008.

Legal Protections in Question

The case challenges the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005), which shields gun manufacturers from responsibility for crimes committed with their products.

It was initially dismissed by a district court in 2021, but the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals revived it, allowing some claims to proceed under specific exceptions.

Potential Industry Impact

The gunmakers argue that the lawsuit attempts to impose gun control regulations through the courts and could create legal challenges for the industry.

The Supreme Court’s decision will determine whether the lawsuit proceeds and could have significant implications for gunmakers.

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