Criminal in Russia Can Now Get Out of Jail If They Enlist For War

The Russian President Putin signs a new law into the constitution that grants immunity to those who enlist for the war in Ukraine.

This is the first time the Russian military is so outsmarted on the battlefield that they are strengthening their troops with criminals now.

In mid-September, Putin called for an increase of 180,000 troops to bring Russia’s total military personnel to nearly 2.4 million.

It is estimated that Russia is losing hundreds of soldiers every day

Immunity To Criminals

A new law, published on a government website, allows defendants in criminal cases to avoid prosecution by joining the Russian military.

Previously, this option was limited to those under investigation but not yet in court. The updated law extends this to defendants whose cases are still in trial. 

Chance To Clean Up

If these individuals are later discharged from the military due to some reason, their sentences or legal proceedings can be fully canceled, the Russian website said.

These measures come as Russia faces the challenges of a two-and-a-half-year war in Ukraine.

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