Video Shows Police Chasing Hijacked Bus in Downtown Los Angeles

On Wednesday, a gunman hijacked a Los Angeles Metro bus, leading to a police chase that ended with a SWAT team intervention and one person dead.

According to eyewitnesses, the suspect threatened the driver with a gun to his head and forced him to travel through traffic. 

Driver Activated Emergency Button

The driver activated a panic button, which alerted authorities and displayed a “911 call police” message on the bus.

Police pursued the hijacked bus for over an hour as it traveled more than seven miles through the city.

They eventually deployed spike strips to disable the vehicle at a downtown intersection.

SWAT Team Stormed Bus

A SWAT team stormed the bus, using flash-bang grenades, and arrested the suspect.

Inside, a male passenger was found with multiple gunshot wounds and later died in the hospital.

The police said they found a second passenger who was injured but not serious.

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