Report Shows US Public Schools Banned 10,000 Books Last Year

A new report from PEN America reveals that over 10,000 books were banned in U.S. public schools during the 2023-2024 academic year.

The number of banned books nearly tripled, rising from 3,362 bans in the previous year to over 10,000 as Republican-led states enacted new censorship laws.

The book ban spans over a diverse range of books that includes those educating about American history and gender identity.

Florida & Iowa Records 8,000 Books

The report points to Florida and Iowa as leading the surge in bans, with approximately 8,000 instances recorded in these two states.

Florida’s laws allow books to be removed from school libraries and classrooms during reviews for containing “sexual conduct,”.

Iowa, on the other hand, has enacted legislation restricting material about sexual orientation and gender identity.

PEN America observed that these bans disproportionately target books featuring LGBTQ+ themes, stories.

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