US, China, Japan & Australia get Together To Counter China Threat

The heads of states of Japan, Australia, India and the US are meeting at Joe Biden’s hometown to discuss China’s growing threat in the Pacific Ocean.

The final declaration of the summit didn’t mention China by name but political experts believe the grouping is a counterweight to China’s aggressive attitude. 

QUAD Summit

The leaders of the Quad, which is a grouping of the four countries mentioned above, committed to securing the Indo-Pacific where China is aggressively chasing its interests.

The grouping formally known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, consists of countries that are going to be directly impacted by China’s invasion of Taiwan. 

Biden’s Hot-Mic

Although the official declaration didn’t mention China, Joe Biden was indeed heard mentioning China from behind the closed doors.

“China continues to behave aggressively, testing us all across the region”, Biden was heard but how, remains unsure.

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