CERN To Expel Hundreds of Russian Scientists From Laboratories

Geneva-based world’s largest scientific laboratory, CERN, has decided to expel hundreds of Russian-affiliated scientists from its laboratories.

CERN’s move comes not as a surprise to many as the collaboration between Moscow and the particle physics laboratory is expected to end in December.

Western governments have repeatedly asked its research organizations to sever their ties with Moscow-affiliated research organizations. 

Russia has been a key partner in particle physics in CERN for 62 years

Geopolitics Hindering Scientific Research

The organization said the decision was taken with consent from senior members due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. 

Belarusian scientists already saw their contracts end in July.

Though Russia was never a full CERN member, its contributions in nuclear physics were significant. 

Scientific Isolation of Russia

The decision is seen as part of the broader scientific isolation of Russia, as Western governments have urged research institutions to cut ties with Russian counterparts.

This isolation has prompted concerns among some Russian scientists who fear that it will only bolster President Vladimir Putin’s stance by portraying Western countries as adversaries.

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