Michigan Police Officer Climbs Into Moving Truck To Save Driver

A Macomb County sheriff’s deputy, identified as Deputy Miron, heroically intervened to stop a moving vehicle driven by a 63-year-old man.

The police statement mentioned that the old man was suffering from a medical condition when they encountered the vehicle.

The incident took place when deputies responded to reports of a silver GMC Sierra driving erratically in Mt. Clemens, Michigan.

What Actually Happened?

When deputies found the truck, they activated their lights and sirens, but the driver did not stop.

The vehicle continued at a slow speed of about 5 mph.

Upon approaching the vehicle, deputies observed the driver, who appeared disoriented and unable to respond to commands.

After the driver briefly hit the brakes and rolled down his window, Deputy Miron climbed from the patrol car into the moving truck through the window and safely brought it to a stop.

The driver was then taken to a hospital by Clinton Township fire officials for further treatment.

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