Venezuelan President Blames CIA For Planning To Assassinate Him

The United States was quick to reject the accusations for being behind a secret plot to assassinate the Venezuelan President.

President Maduro blamed the Central Intelligence Agency for orchestrating the plot after his government arrested six foreign nationals.

All those detained included three US citizens, two Spaniards and one Czech national. 

US Rejects Accusations

The United States in response rejected the accusations of being behind any such plot.

“Any claims of US involvement in a plot to overthrow Maduro are categorically false,” the State Department said.

The department’s spokesperson acknowledged that one US service member was detained with reports of multiple US nationals under custody. 

Venezuela Seizes 400 Rifles

The country’s Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello went on national TV and said the government has recovered 400 rifles from the alleged “mercenaries”.

The minister also accused Spain of being active in overthrowing the government and planning a secret plan to kill Maduro.

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