Video: Freight Train in South Carolina Collides With Military Vehicle

A freight train in South Carolina collided with a semi-truck that was carrying an M109 Paladin Howitzer, a mobile artillery vehicle, the police said.

The crash occurred Thursday afternoon, causing significant damage to the street crossing, according to multiple witnesses.

Fortunately the incident didn’t cause any fatalities or injuries

Video Captured The Crash

A video cam in Jennifer Clinton’s car, who was in her vehicle with her son, captured the incident on video.

According to multiple news reports, the truck driver who was seen running away from his vehicle declined medical treatment as he was not injured. 

Roads Were Closed

The semi-truck reportedly got stuck while trying to cross the tracks before being struck by the incoming freight train.

The collision caused the road to be closed for an extended time due to damage at the intersection.

Goose Creek Police have not yet provided information on the unit to which the Howitzer belonged or the full extent of the damage to the train, truck, and military vehicle.

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