US, Allies Sanction Iran For Supplying Ballistic Missiles to Russia

The United States along with the United Kingdom, France and Germany have imposed fresh sanctions on Iran for supplying missiles to Russia.

The western leaders called the delivery of ballistic missiles an escalation of Ukraine war as the weapons will be used against the west, reports say.

The mentioned western countries also imposed cut aviation agreements with Iran for breaching repeated warnings of weapons transfers. 

Sanctions Targets People & Companies

“The sanctions targeted 10 people and six companies for their involvement in supporting Iran’s defense sector,” Reuters quoted US officials as saying.

In response, the Iranian foreign ministry rejected the sanctions for being based on flawed information.

The foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani termed the latest sanctions as “ugly propaganda and lie” and based on false information.

Washington also sanctioned Iran Air for playing a role in the Russian Federation economy. Meanwhile, Russia has not responded to the latest round of sanctions imposed on Iran.

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