Investigators Find Ice on Brazilian Plane That Crashed Last August

A preliminary report on the August crash of a Voepass airliner in Brazil has revealed signs of ice buildup on the plane.

Released on Friday, the report noted that the plane’s icing detectors were activated during its flight which means that it was flying in intense icy conditions.

During a press conference, an official from Brazil’s aeronautical official body mentioned that cockpit recordings captured the co-pilot commenting on “a lot of icing” during the flight.

Further Investigation Needed

Investigators suggested that the de-icing system may have malfunctioned, but stressed that further investigation was needed.

Experts said that the ice could have played a crucial role in the crash but cautioned against reaching definite conclusions at the moment. 

What Happened?

On the 9th of August, the Brazilian ATR-72 aircraft lost control and crashed on August 9, killing all 62 people on board.

Meanwhile, the country’s official Aeronautical body Cenipa estimates that the investigation could take more than a year to complete.

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