Russian President Putin Says He Supports Kamala Harris in Elections

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his support for Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Speaking at an economic forum in Vladivostok, Putin explained that Moscow would back Harris after Biden encouraged his supporters to do the same.

Putin’s remarks drew sharp criticism from Washington who recently accused Moscow of interfering in the 2024 elections. 

What Did Putin Say?

Vladimir Putin, famous for such comments that sway public opinion in the US, said Moscow will support Harris because she was good for Russia.

“Our favorite was Mr. Biden, but he’s no longer in the race. He’s asked his supporters to support Ms. Harris, and we will follow suit,”

Putin said, although he emphasized that the decision ultimately lies with the American electorate. “It’s not for us to decide,” he added.

The remarks quickly sparked a response from the US, with National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby urging Putin to refrain from commenting on US elections.

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