Former Florida Deputy Arrested For Fatally Shooting US Airman

A former Florida sheriff’s deputy has been arrested following his indictment in connection with the fatal shooting of a 23-year-old US Air Force member.

Eddie Duran, 38, was charged last week with manslaughter with a firearm for the death of Roger Fortson, an incident that took place in May.

Former Cop Arrested

The tragedy occurred when Duran responded to a domestic disturbance call at Fortson’s apartment complex and attempted to enter the young airman’s home.

According to body camera footage released after the incident, Duran approached Fortson’s front door alone and knocked.

Duran fired shots immediately after Fortson opened the door holding a gun in his right hand, killing Fortson on the spot.

Duran Could Face 30 Years

Fortson’s death has led to a manslaughter charge that could result in a prison sentence of up to 30 years for Duran if convicted.

The charge comes after Duran was fired from the Oskaloosa County Sheriff’s Office following an internal investigation.

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