China Alarm Over US Missile System Deployment in Philippines

The Chinese top diplomat expressed concerns about the US military placing its long-range missile system in the Philippines.

The Associated Press reported that the Philippines Foreign Minister said he was told by the Chinese Foreign Minister that China was concerned about the US missile system in the Philippines. 

China Got Dramatic

Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said he told China’s Foreign Secretary Wang Yi that the missile system was temporary.

Manalo mentioned that Mr. Wang was quite dramatic when he mentioned the system to him last month.

Despite being defensive in nature, Manali reiterated to Mr. Wang that “you shouldn’t be worried,” as the system will be moved out of the country. 

Which Missile System Worried China?

The missile system in question is the Typhon missile system which was deployed in the Philippines for joint exercises.

Manila later announced that the missile system would be withdrawn after China protested over it.

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