Scientists Find Liquid Water One Mile Below Mars Surface

Scientists from the University of California have said that they have found a huge reservoir of liquid water a mile beneath the Mars surface.

This is the first time evidence of liquid water has been found on Mars, located within fractures several miles beneath the surface, according to research led by the University of California, San Diego.

A New Chapter 

While Mars is known to have ice at its polar regions, finding liquid water buried miles within the planet’s surface marks a new chapter in the Red Planet’s exploration.

Scientists, however, cautioned accessing the gigantic water reservoir deep inside the planet’s surface.

This volume of groundwater could potentially cover the entire planet to a depth of about a mile, according to the researchers. 

Using The Water Remains A Challenge

Study’s co-author Michael Manga remained skeptical if the water can be used to supply a future Mars colony.

He said that digging a hole around half a mile deep into the ground is really difficult on Earth, let alone on Mars.

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