Research Group Slams Musk’s SpaceX For Filling Orbit With Waste

A public interest group has accused Elon Musk’s SpaceX for failing to take care of Earth’s orbit.

In a new research report, Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) called the space agency “WasteX” for filling the Earth’s orbit with harmful objects that can have serious consequences for Earth’s ozone layer. 


In a report titled “WasteX: Environmental harms of satellite internet mega-constellations,” the non-profit specifically mentioned SpaceX as it owns half of the satellites roaming around the planet.

The report also criticized other space agencies like that of Amazon, which is expected to launch thousands of satellites in coming years. 

Long Term Effects Unknown

Despite knowing the challenge satellites pose to the ozone layer, researchers said the long-term effects are still unknown.

Researchers are concerned that the increasing number of satellites in Earth’s orbit could lead to space debris, potentially impacting future astronomical research.

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