Donald Trump Presidential Campaign Says Emails Were Hacked

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign reported on Saturday that it had been hacked, according to campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung.

The disclosure follows reports from Politico that it had received Trump’s campaign documents by anonymous sources.

Cheung claimed the documents were “obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States,” aiming to disrupt the 2024 election.

Who Was Behind The Hack?

The campaign cited a recent Microsoft report that Iranian hackers targeted a “high-ranking official” in the Trump campaign in June 2024.

Microsoft’s report mentioned Iranian government-linked hackers sending phishing emails to US public officials to interfere in 2024 elections. 


This revelation comes shortly after reports of increased Secret Service protection around Trump due to an alleged threat from Iran.

A Pakistani origin man with links to Iran was also arrested recently for plotting to assassinate US presidential candidates.

The plot was reportedly in retaliation for Trump’s approval of the 2020 drone strike that killed Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, reports said.

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