Funeral Home to Pay $950M After Discovery of 190 Decaying Bodies

A funeral home in Colorado was ordered to pay $950 million to victim families after 190 decaying dead bodies were found inside the building.

The prosecutors claimed that the funeral home gave fake ashes to the relatives of those who thought their loved ones were cremated.

But the victim’s families allege that they expect nothing in return as The Return to Nature home, the funeral home, is in serious financial crisis. 

Culprits Didn’t Attend The Hearing

The Return to Nature funeral home, located in Penrose, Colorado, is at the center of a horrific scandal.

The funeral home, owned by Jon and Carie Hallford, was discovered to have 190 decaying bodies on its premises.

Families who had entrusted the funeral home with the cremation of their loved ones were given fake ashes for years.

The victims’ families felt embarrassed when the accused couple didn’t show up to the court’s hearing, where more than 100 families waited to hear the final outcome.

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